Domestic violence is the leading cause of serious injury to American women between ages 15 and 44, more common than automobile accidents, muggings and rapes combined.

  • Between 50% and 70% of men who abuse their female partners also abuse their children.
  • At least 3.3 million children between the ages of 3 and 19 are at risk of exposure to parental violence very year.
  • One third of high school and college students experience violence in an intimate relationship during their dating years.

Wings of Love Women’s Ministry empowers women who have suffered from domestic violence by helping them to discover:

  • The Greatness in them because God who is Great, created them and He can only create Greatness
  • They Are God’s Masteriece – a divine work of art created out of love
  • How to love themselves and believe in themselves
  • Their God-ordained purpose and motivate them to walk in their purpose


WLWM helps women who have battled abuse in their lives, and who have been held back from moving forward for whatever reason. We encourage victims of abuse to go forth and grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ with more commitment & boldness, knowing that through healing and restoration “the good work God has began in them He will complete.”

WLWM helps women experience healing and spiritual growth, while cultivating their God-given purpose so they can minister in their local churches, their communities and the world. We equip them with empowerment resources such as books that build self-esteem; affirmations that confirm that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, significant and magnificent, conquerors and winners to assist in their transition from victim to victor (overcomer).

Anique Ruiz commented – I love these messages. They have touched my life greatly. I grow every time I hear your messages because they apply to me and what my path is in the LORD. Your writing is so succinct yet packed with The Word and how it can strengthen and help us mature as Christians in the Body of Christ. Continue to write so we can soak up the wisdom that The LORD shares with you through His Word.”

You can DONATE  – Your contribution will help WLWM continue to:
(1) transform the lives of people through its radio teaching ministry;
(2) help women become victors rather than victims of domestic violence;
(3) help women Move Forward and experience healing and spiritual growth, knowing that through healing and restoration “the good work God has began in them He will complete.’’

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